"Linux op System z: mainframe server consolidatie en meer.."

Most efficient platform for large-scale Linux consolidation

Linux® and the z/VM® Version 6 virtualization software on the IBM zEnterprise™ System1 can help in creating a smart business infrastructure. Linux and z/VM offer a uniquely powerful solution for consolidation, virtualizing, managing and sharing resources with optimum efficiency. z/VM virtualization software can help clients to:
  • Virtualize each logical partition (LPAR2) into hundreds or more virtual servers
  • Virtualize processors, memory, network, I/O, cryptographic features
  • Maximize resource sharing to achieve high system utilization
  • Dynamically redistribute resources to automatically manage server demands
  • Efficiently manage and administer the virtual server environment
  • New zEnterprise Unified Resource Manager extends virtual server lifecycle management capabilities
Running Linux as a guest of z/VM is designed to provide the capability of running hundreds to thousands of Linux images while benefiting from the reliability, availability, scalability, security and serviceability characteristics of System z servers. At the same time, it allows you to exploit the exceptional capabilities of z/VM virtualization technology.

What are the unique advantages of the Enterprise Linux Server as opposed to Linux running on other server platforms?

The Enterprise Linux Server provides unique advantages through the exploitation of the leading capabilities of the IBM System z server hardware and the IBM virtualization software:
  • Single-server simplicity
    • Saving opportunities in software costs through less licenses
    • Saving opportunities in management costs through Single Point of Control for administration and operation
    • Low power, cooling, and floor space requirements
    • Internal, very fast communication capabilities, allows to reduce the physical network
    • Bootom line: Reduced IT complexity
  • Advanced resource utilization and dynamic allocation
    • Share-everything system architecture
    • Resources can be dynamically shared and reconfigured
    • Over-commitment of system resources at high levels
    • Create and deploy virtual Linux servers in minutes
  • Massive workload consolidation capability
    • Large-scale virtual growth instead of physical expansion on x86 or RISC servers
    • Proven horizontally and vertically scalability
    • Run from tens to thousands of virtual Linux servers on a single physical server
    • Run workloads with very large resource requirements on one physical server
  • Rock-solid system security and ensured isolation and protection
    • Take advantage of certified security
    • Well-known for its strong security features
    • Virus and intrusion resistance
    • Virtual server images are totally isolated and protected
These advantages position the Enterprise Linux Server to run and manage many and mixed Linux workloads concurrently, a perfect fit for IT optimization and cloud computing.

Linux op System z

Advisering m.b.t. het toepassen van System z als Linux platform. We onderzoeken samen met u in hoeverre er voordelen in uw situatie zijn te behalen. (financieel, beheersmatig, security, beschikbaarheid en schaalbaarheid). Zeker indien System z al wordt gebruikt voor uw ICT kan het zeer interessant zijn ook Linux te draaien op deze robuuste, schaalbare en goed beveiligde en beheerde mainframe omgeving i.p.v. aanschaf van bijvoorbeeld een reeks van op INTEL gebaseerde systemen. Het gemak om snel Linux omgevingen beschikbaar te stelen voor gebruikers is indrukwekkend.

Uitleg en informatie

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